we're getting the maxi cosi from the Netherlands to go with the Quinny Buzz 3 wheeler stroller we'll get next month. see, all full of shiny.
i also ordered a whole pile of fabric from green beans to make MCN (nappies), which arrived on friday afternoon, yay! only one problem: the lovely coloured resin snaps need a special snap press to attach. damn. so i can't finish my nappies until that arrives (ordered today, so hopefully won't take too long to get here). i don't want to post wip pics of them yet, i'd rather wait and post once i've finished a few. so this week i will be cutting out many a nappy and booster and soaker in readiness for that lovely snap press to arrive. Just getting a black capsule and stroller, so i can make covers in all kinds of fabrics depending on what the kid is wearing or mood i'm in. (leopard print, cherries, 50's tiki, etc...)i know it's crazy ridiculous to even bother, but i don't care! ha aha a.
Here is the Quinny Buzz with the normal seat(top), and the maxi-cosi attached(bottom).
so cute!
Great small wheel base, so good for indoors/shopping isles etc. and the 3 wheeler has a great tight turning circle, so it has excellent manouverability too.
Love the fact that the capsule transfers from stroller, to car (isofix) to indoors, so if the little monkey is alseep, we don't need to wake him/her when transferring. Can you tell i'm excited?? ha aaha I probably sound like a sales ad, but i don't care, i'm giddy because i only have 10wks to go!
Can't wait till it arrives so i can start making more thing, like dangling toys and covers, yay!
what an awesome pram!!