So you can see just how much I have become Tits McGee here is my before and after shot for my bra.
Anyone else have this 'problem' when knocked up? ha ahaa aha
Ok, in the land of making/crafting I have been less than busy (this week at work has ben pretty draining), but I did get a chance to make these canvasses for fun, and hopeful future profit.
Just playing around with an idea, but I want to make more to try to flog off on etsy. Since we'll be down to one income soon, I want to be a WAHM as soon as possible. I want my own fashion line eventually, but that's not going to be possible straight away (too many baby related expenses to be able to afford to start up a full business right now), but I do love making things and I tend to be quite particular when i do(read: anal), so they're well made.
Personally I like these raw and open as they are, so you can see that everything is one-of-a-kind, not printed or mass produced. And I like the added texture and depth of the various pieces and fabrics. But I'm just not sure if they need to be more finished off at all. Any thoughts? would you hang these as they are, or would you maybe laquer them or glass frame them?